Friday, September 23, 2011

Why I love running

Reason number 374 on why I love running: 
I woke up today and felt tired, moody, and tried to convince myself to push my 6 miler off until tonight.  I didn't listen to myself and went out at 6am to run my 6 miles and came back feeling pumped and happy.  Gotta love those endorphins!

Today's run:  6 miles, 55:25 min (9:13 pace).  I did mile repeats but had to throw in three or four, very small, walking breaks so I'm happy with the pace.

On the agenda for tomorrow:  A 9 miler...eek!  Hope I can make it.  Then a one mile fun run with my nephew that evening.

The half is only six weeks away.....I'm really starting to get nervous and have amped up my mileage and am planning on focusing on my nutrition (I've kind of let that slip.)

Happy Friday!

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