Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Okay, a lot has happened since I posted last.  I honestly can't believe how much has changed, 2011 has had tons of ups and downs and I honestly feel like a different person. 
One of the changes (and I consider it a big one), is that I lost 65+lbs!  Seriously, when I saw the last pic of myself I was stunned because I can see the change, and I have image problems, so if I can see it then I know it's there!

September 2011- 65lbs gone since last post
The second biggest change, and one I'm quite excited about, is that I'm now a runner.  That's right, me, the girl who's clumsy, the girl who has no athletic ability whatsoever, the girl who less then a year ago could barely walk a mile without losing breath, that girl....well, she's a runner now.  

Over the past year I've run four 5k races (and placed in 3 of them!)  In October I will run my first 10k race, and in November I will run my first ever half-marathon!  I'm so stoked to see how far I've come physically, and I'm excited that I'm actually, kind of, good at this running thing.  I love the way it makes me feel mentally and physically.  I love training.  I love being able to eat massive amounts of calories and not worry about not being able to fit into my jeans.  I LOVE RUNNING!

9.5.11 5k-
26:59.54  8:43
Had my game face on!

I've become somewhat of a running geek.  I own a hydration belt and wear it on my long runs.  I know I look silly, but I also know that I have a need for it; I'm not just wearing it to look like one of those people...I am one of those people. :)  I obsess about proper fueling and pace time; I follow a training plan.  I've even been known to run in the rain....yes, my obsession is deep. 

Lately I've been wanting to get into cycling too.  But it's not quite as easy as running.  I do have a bike, but I don't know if it's a great one; however, I think it'll do for now.  I just need to get it cleaned up some, buy a helmet and a few other necessary items for cycling.  I'm excited about adding this into my routine.

Over the summer I was really diligent with my exercising (in addition to my running).  But I've kind of let it slack over the month of September.  I did 20 minutes of yoga yesterday and woke up this morning and can really feel it!  It's sad, I shouldn't be feeling sore in those muscles; those muscles were strengthened and toned over the summer!  It's a little scary to see how fast you can lose that.  Anyway, I've revamped my off days on my running schedule and am going to incorporate yoga and strength training again.  I was doing doubles over the summer too, but I'm not sure I can quite muster that again, at least not yet.

I woke up today, put on my running gear and planned to do 6 miles.  Then I saw the lightening...great....looks like I'm running on the treadmill tonight.  I really don't like treadmill running....and it looks like Thursday and Friday are going to be the same, at least according to the weather channel.  I don't know why, but something about the treadmill takes a little bit of my joy away when it comes to running.  At least it's only 6 miles, back in July I ran 12 miles on about crazy boring!  I struggled to stay in my happy place then....but I did finish which was a small achievement for me. 

The third change is that my family grew a little bit larger; I got another dog.  I was given a Sheltie in November of last year.  I've always wanted a Sheltie, growing up I dreamed of having one and when I was older I even looked into the possibility of getting one.  But at $750 a pup, I just couldn't do it.   Well, my BIL's step-mom (say that three times fast!) had a Sheltie they no longer wanted and they gave her to me!  She is the sweetest thing and she's become my little shadow.  She and Buddy get along well, which is a huge plus.  And she's really good with the nephews and niece. 
The Budster and Nevaeh

I guess that's all for now....I hope to be better about keeping this updated more.  Not that anyone reads it, but it's a nice outlet for me anyway. :)

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