Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ramblings and such....

Today's run:  
6 miles, 56:40 min

Mile 1: 8:57  
(I think this pace may be off, my tracker had some GPS issues; 
I think I was closer to a 9:30-10:00 pace)
Mile 2: 10:13
Mile 3-4: 9:07
Mile 5: 9:00
Mile 6: 9:46

Avg Pace: 9:22 (Or an estimated 9:45....stupid tracker...)

I was supposed to be running pyramids, but as you can see I failed.... oh well!

I really want to kick my training up a notch given the fact the half is only five weeks away.  Eeek!  Five weeks!  I'm really nervous.  I was in great shape at the end of July and my pace was really improving and I was on target for hitting under a 2:00 hr finish, but I got burnt out and took August off from my training. I just ran to run, and I ended up gaining 10lbs!  I guess I forgot to take a break from my training eating!  My pace went from an average of 9min per mile to a 9:45-10:15 pace.  I've been struggling a lot with eating at night and portion control; I went back to counting calories and I might have to start running some doubles a few days a week until I can get these pounds off; I was doing that over the summer and it really helped.  I have a 10k race scheduled in a couple weeks and I'd like to be closer to my peak fitness level by then.  I want to finish well and finish strong.  I weighed myself this morning and I've managed to drop 4lbs, so I'm hoping to get another 4 or 5 off by then.

On Saturday I did a one mile fun run with my nephew.  He's been wanting to do a 5k race with me, but I thought it would be nice to ease him into it by participating in a fun run.  He had a blast and so did I!  He did really well and ran the mile in 10:02 minutes.  I also feel the need to mention I ran 9 miles that morning, so I got a total of 10  miles in on Saturday.

Sportin' our numbers

Lucas, Levi, and me before the race

Training for the rest of the week:
Thur: 0-4 miles or Cross-training/yoga
Fri: 5-7 miles, mile repeats
Sat: 10 miles, EASY!

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